NR v2.04

07-11-2012, 05:34 PM
I have an older version of NR (v2.04) which I purchased in the 90s. I haven't installed/used it in years. I just tried to do a fresh install. The process seemed to go OK. When I tried to do a complete extraction (copy all Fortran recipes to a target directory), I get the attached error message over and over again.

It seems to be having trouble accessing 'addint.for', the first in a long series of files according to p.6 of NRhelp.txt
For sure, G:\n_recipes\code exists & is very empty.

I tried to send this issue to but the message bounced back.

I'm using XP Pro for Windows.

Any help is appreciated.

07-12-2012, 05:01 PM
Anybody have a clue why I can't post to:

Old Bug Reports (Obsolete Editions of NR)

That would seem a better thread but I keep getting messages that it's restricted!

04-06-2013, 04:10 PM
I have an older version of NR (v2.04) which I purchased in the 90s. I haven't installed/used it in years. I just tried to do a fresh install. The process seemed to go OK. When I tried to do a complete extraction (copy all Fortran recipes to a target directory), I get the attached error message over and over again.

It seems to be having trouble accessing 'addint.for', the first in a long series of files according to p.6 of NRhelp.txt
For sure, G:\n_recipes\code exists & is very empty.

I tried to send this issue to but the message bounced back.

I'm using XP Pro for Windows.

Any help is appreciated.

thank u

Bill Press
04-25-2013, 06:57 PM
Sorry you're having problems with this 21 year old software!
Alas, we no longer support the 2nd edition. We're trying
to find someone who even remembers how the installer
works and will let you know if we find anything.

Thanks for being a user for all this time.

Bill Press
Numerical Recipes author