Fourth Edition Coming?

07-30-2008, 08:53 PM
I am still using the first edition of NR (with code in FORTRAN) and am thinking it is about time I updated to the third edition. However, I am wondering if perhaps a fourth edition (with C code) might be coming out soon, in which case I should wait.

So . . .
Two questions:
Is a Fourth Edition of NR planned?
(If so, any idea when it will be publicly available?)

Bill Press
07-31-2008, 12:04 AM
Hi, DavidB!
The new Third Edition just came out last fall, and we usually do a new edition only every decade or so, so there are no plans for any further edition. Also, we pretty much decided to get out of the multiple languages side, so C++ is all there is (or, foreseeably, will be).
Bill P.

02-01-2013, 07:27 PM
Hi, it's been awhile since the 3rd edition release. May I know if 4th edition will be releasing soon?

Bill Press
02-03-2013, 05:10 PM
No plans for a 4th edition. We're still pretty happy with the 3rd edition, and wouldn't change much of anything!

Bill P.