Some Web Resources for NR3

Bill Press
09-28-2007, 12:11 PM
Users may wish to avail themselves of these free resources for using Numerical Recipes Third Edition:

1. The header file nr3.h is necessary for almost all the NR3 routines. It can be downloaded by clicking here (

2. The code dependencies tool ( constructs an ordered list of #include statements for using any combination of Numerical Recipes source code files. It will generate #includes not just for the files that you highlight, but also for any of their dependencies. The #include statements will be in the correct order for the C++ compiler.

3. You can find an index of all the NR3 routines, sortable in various ways, at this link (

10-05-2007, 06:02 AM
Hi Bill,

First, let me say thanks for the updated version of NR. I have checked out the index on Amazon and I will be ordering the book today.

I noticed that your Code Dependency tool does not include the function interp_shep. I may have missed it.

This tool is a great aid - thanks for this also.



Bill Press
10-05-2007, 08:46 AM
Hi, Jeff.
Yes, I guess this is not completely intuitive, for which apologies! The dependency tool ( lets you click on filenames (ending in .h), not routine names. The interp_shep routine is in the file interp_rbf.h, which does show up in the dependency tool, as it should.

The way to figure out which file a routine is in is either
(i) look at the filename printed in the margin next to the printed routine in the book, or
(ii) go to the online index of routines (, find the routine name in the left column, and read off the filename in the right column.

I agree this can be confusing. So, thanks for your posting, which will doubtless help others.

Bill P.