subscription activation problem: "open or save" authpanel.php

Bill Press
01-19-2008, 10:53 AM
A user reports a problem with the last step of the activation process. After pressing the "Activate" button, instead of getting a confirmation page, he gets a Windows message box asking whether to open or save to disk the file "authpanel.php".

The underlying cause is likely that the user's browser is not configured to recognize the MIME type 'Content-type: application/pdf' as belonging to Adobe Reader. Normally, when you can read PDF files in your browser, this configuration is automatic.

A workaround is the following:

Pick "save to disk" and save authpanel.php somewhere, for example to your desktop. Now, *rename* the saved file to authpanel.pdf (if you get a warning about changing a file type, proceed anyway). Now that it is renamed, double click on it. It should open in Adobe Reader and tell you that your machine is now authorized. If it doesn't open in Adobe Reader, then your Adobe Reader is not properly installed. If it does open, but you get an error message, please post to this thread what the message is.

You must do all of the steps above in a 10-minute time interval, and from the same computer. Otherwise the authpanel.pdf file expires. In that case, delete any authpanel.php or authpanel.pdf files from your desktop and try again.

Of course you must have installed the FileOpen plug-in before doing any of this!